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How to Turn Almost any Wheel Into a Caster

coffee table casters coffee table wheels DIY furniture vintage caster vintage furniture vintage wheel vintage wheels

How to Turn Almost any Wheel Into a Caster

I just came across this fabulous article from Pneumatic Addict. (it is a bit older, from 2014 but felt it was worth sharing) It is a terrific write up for you home DIY-ers on how to build your own vintage looking caster-coffee table. Find out a step by step guide How to Turn Almost any Wheel Into a Caster The article outlines beautifully how we can cost effectively and easily create our own vintage looking furniture with industrial supply items.  On a personal note, it always surprises me how much people pay for vintage looking furniture items or home decoration pieces when you can make...

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Mapp Caster and launched

grooved metal track wheels vgroove casters vgroove rolling caster vgroove wheels

Mapp Caster and launched

We are thrilled to share that Mapp Caster  and SteelCasterStore launched Mapp Caster is the umbrella company for and, serving all 50 states with more than 10,000 different casters and wheels SKUs and is supplying Mapp's online stores. is specialized on v-groove wheels and v-groove casters. Everything the store offers is focused on as the name indicates, groovedwheels and grooved caster wheels that run on metal track. What makes different from its competitors is how the online store allows you to filter by caster and wheel attributes to easily and very quickly find the right caster for your need....

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Welcome to

garage gate casters grooved metal track wheels sliding gate castes vgroove casters vgroove wheels

Welcome to

We specialize in V-Groove Casters and V-Groove Wheels. That's all we do! That's what we are good at. And that's what we love. Use the smart faceted search to quickly find your casters by height, size, color, weight capacity etc. then order your metal track wheels or casters to build barn doors, sliding gates, garage gates, or haul your heavy equipment. V-groove caster wheels are designed to guide such equipment by rolling on inverted angle iron tracks. Elevated track minimizes problems caused by floor debris. The relief groove at the base of the "V" equalizes the load on each face...

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Picking the Right V-Groove Caster Bearing

buying guide FAQ vgroove casters vgroove wheels

Picking the Right V-Groove Caster Bearing

  Picking the right vgroove caster bearing The built casters from already include at least standard roller bearings. As you visit the produce page of our vgroove wheels and vgroove casters though you are able to choose different bearing options. Further below is some help in how to choose the right bearing for your need. If you need any more help, call us. Ball Bearings -  Easy to roll! The little balls inside the bearing make it easy for the wheel to move; thus providing for a very low roll resistent. Furthermore, they don' need lubrication   Brass Bearing - Durable! These...

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